Computer Science And Engineering (Data Science)

Faculty Publications

Session 2022-23

S.No Name of the Author Title of Paper Name of Journal Year of Publication ISSN Number
1 Dr. Preeti Sharma Cyber Security: Challenges and Emerging Trends on Technology AES Journal (Scopus) 2023 AES-21-09-2023-16
2 Dr. Preeti Sharma Deep Learning based Intrusion Detection System for Internet of Things Networks for Enhancing Security Against Cyber Attacks 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering(ICEEE-2023 2023 --
3 Dr. Preeti Sharma Face Detection using AI and ML algorithm Network Modelling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 2022 2192-6662
4 Dr. Preeti Sharma Face Detection Using Machine /Deep Learning and AI- Based algorithm Network Modelling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 2022 2192-6662
5 Dr. Preeti Sharma A review of E-Commerece in India International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2022 2395-0056
6 Dr. Preeti Sharma Criminal Face Identification International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2022 2395-0056
7 Ms. Pooja Chaudhary Cyber Security: Challenges and Emerging Trends on Technology AES Journal (Scopus) 2023 AES-21-09-2023-16
8 Ms. Pooja Chaudhary Panoramic Study on Cloud Computing The Seybold Report Journal (Scopus) 2023 1533-9211
9 Ms. Bhawna Goel Cyber Security: Challenges and Emerging Trends on Technology AES Journal (Scopus) 2023 AES-21-09-2023-16
10 Ms. Bhawna Goel Panoramic Study on Cloud Computing The Seybold Report Journal (Scopus) 2023 1533-9211
11 Ms. Kajal Gupta Machine Learning Solutions to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome IEEE Journal (Scopus) 2023 --
12 Ms. Kajal Gupta Deep Learning solutions to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome IEEE Journal (Scopus) 2023 --
13 Mr. Saral Garg Detecting Brain Tumor using CNN IEEE Journal (Scopus) 2023 --
14 Mr. Saral Garg Enhancing Brain Tumor Detection through CNN and Data Augmentation IEEE Journal (Scopus) 2023 --

Session 2021-22

S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper Name of Journal Year of Publication ISSN Number
1 Dr. Preeti Sharma Fake News detection Using ML International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) 2021 2321-9653
2 Dr. Preeti Sharma Security over The Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods (IJARESM) 2021 2455-6211
3 Dr. Preeti Sharma Future Expectations of Sovereign Vehicles International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 2021 2395-0056
4 Dr. Preeti Sharma Deep Learning to improve Breast Cancer Detection on Screening Mammography Design Engineering 2021 0011-9342

Session 2020-21


Name of the Author

Title of Paper

Name of Journal

Year of Publication

ISSN Number


Dr. Preeti Sharma

Design and Implementation of Hospital felicitator system

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)




Dr. Preeti Sharma

Trash Detector using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)



Session 2019-20


Name of Author

Title of Paper

Name of Journal

Year of Publication

ISSN Number


Dr. Preeti Sharma

Job portal with CV Analysis

International Journal of Science and Innovative engineering




Dr. Preeti Sharma

Feature Extraction Using NLPCA Neural Network for Detecting Breast Cancer in Mammogram Image

International Journal of Research and analytical reviews (IJRAR)


E-ISSN:2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349 5138


Ms. Pooja Chaudhary

Video Steganography using Concept of DNA Sequence and Index Compression Technique

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) (Scopus Indexed)



Session 2018-19


Name of Author

Title of Paper

Name of Journal

Year of Publication

ISSN Number


Dr. Preeti Sharma

Nonlinear Feature Learning Via NLPCA Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Detection in Mammogram Database

Computational Information Systems



Session 2017-18


Name of Author

Title of Paper

Name of Journal

Year of Publication

ISSN Number


Dr. Preeti Sharma

A Review on Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Face Recognition

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication



Session 2016-17


Name of Author

Title of Paper

Name of Journal

Year of Publication

ISSN Number


Ms. Pooja Chaudhary

Traditional and Hybrid Encryption Techniques: A Survey

ICRACCCS-2016 (Springer)



Session 2013-14


Name of Author

Title of Paper

Name of Journal

Year of Publication

ISSN Number


Dr. Preeti Sharma

Approach to face recognition using backpropagation and RBF neural network Intellectual society for Socio -Techno welfare



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