Computer Science


Data Structure Lab

Lab Programs OF Data Structure using C (BCS- 351)
1. Implementation of Fundamental Sorting Algorithms: Bubble, Insertion, Selection.
2. Advanced Sorting Techniques: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort.
3. Searching Algorithms: Linear Search, Binary Search, and Interpolation Search
4. Stack Operations: Array-based Implementation with Dynamic Sizing
5. Queue Operations: Array-based Implementation with Dynamic Sizing.
6. Double-ended Queue (Deque) Implementation using Arrays.
7. Stack Operations: Implementation using Singly and Doubly Linked Lists.
8. Queue Operations: Linked Lists based Implementation with Dynamic Sizing.
9. Double-ended Queue (Deque) Implementation using Singly and Doubly Linked Lists.
10. Priority Queue Implementation using Heaps.
11. Tree Structures: Building and Traversing Binary Trees, Balanced Trees, Insertion and Deletion in Red-Black Trees.
12. Graph Algorithms: Representation of Graphs (Adjacency Matrix/List), BFS, DFS, Kruskal's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree, and Floyd-Warshall Algorithm for Shortest Paths.
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Computer Organization and Architecture Lab

Programs of Computer Organization and Architecture (BCS-352)
1. Constructing basic combinational logic circuits (AND, OR, NOT) for simple tasks.
2. Executing Binary-to-Gray and Gray-to-Binary conversions through combinational logic.
3. Implementing a 3-to-8 line DECODER and demonstrating its functionality.
4. Constructing 4x1 and 8x1 MULTIPLEXERS for data selection processes.
5. Analysing the excitation tables for various FLIP-FLOPS in sequential circuits.
6. Designing an 8-bit Input/Output system integrated with multiple 8-bit Internal Registers.
7. Creating an 8-bit ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT (ALU) with various operations.
8. Developing the data path of a computer from its Register Transfer Language specifications.
9. Crafting a control unit design for a computer using hardwired logic or microprogramming techniques.
10. Building a simple instruction set computer featuring a cohesive control unit and data path.
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Web Designing Lab

Lab Programs of Web Designing (BCS353)
1. Create Static Web Pages for an Online Music Store: Develop a static homepage that includes three frames for navigation, featured albums, and promotional content.
2. Design Static Web Pages for User Registration: Create a registration page featuring a login form with submit and reset buttons, ensuring a user-friendly experience.
3. Develop a Music Catalogue Page: Design a catalogue that displays available albums in a table format, including:
  • o Album cover image.
  • o Artist Name.
  • o Record Label.
  • o Price.
  • o "Add to Wishlist" button.
4. Implement a Shopping Cart Page: Design a cart page that lists all albums added to the cart with details like quantity and total price.
5. Create a User Profile Form: Design a static profile form with the following fields:
  • o Full Name (Text field).
  • o Password (Password field).
  • o Email Address (Text field).
  • o Phone Number (Text field).
  • o Gender (Radio buttons).
  • o Birth Date (Select boxes).
  • o Preferred Genres (Checkboxes: Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical).
  • o Address (Text area).
6. JavaScript Validation for the Profile Form: Write JavaScript to validate the following fields:
  • o Full Name (must contain only letters and be at least 3 characters long).
  • o Password (must be at least 8 characters long).
7. JavaScript Validation for Additional Fields: Validate:
  • o Email Address (must follow standard email format:
  • o Phone Number (must be exactly 10 digits).
8. Design a Web Page Using CSS: Create a webpage that applies various styles, including:
  • o Different fonts and colours defined in a CSS stylesheet.
  • o A background image for the page and specific elements.
9. CSS Background Image Properties: Design a webpage demonstrating CSS properties such as:
  • o Background-repeat control.
  • o Link styles: A:link A:visited A:active A:hover with unique colours.
10. Develop a Themed Static Website: Choose a theme for your project (e.g., Travel Blog, Healthy Recipes, Fitness Tracker) and implement all HTML, CSS, and JavaScript concepts learned in class to create a comprehensive static website.
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Operating System Lab

1.Study of hardware and software requirements of different operating systems (UNIX,LINUX,WINDOWS XP, WINDOWS7/8
2. Execute various UNIX system calls for i. Process management ii. File management iii. Input/ output Systems calls.
3. Implement CPU Scheduling Policies:
  • i. SJF
  • . Priority
  • iii. FCFS
  • iv. Multi-level Queue
4.Implement file storage allocation technique:
  • i. Contiguous (using array)
  • ii. Linked –list (using linked-list)
  • iii. Indirect allocation (indexing)
5. Implementation of contiguous allocation techniques:
  • i. Worst-Fit
  • ii. Best- Fit
  • iii. First- Fit
6.Calculation of external and internal fragmentation
  • i. Free space list of blocks from system
  • ii. List process file from the system
7. Implementation of compaction for the continually changing memory layout and calculate total movement of data
8. Implementation of resource allocation graph RAG)
9. Implementation of Banker‟s algorithm
10. Conversion of resource allocation graph (RAG) to wait for graph (WFG) for each type of method.
11. Implement the solution for Bounded Buffer (producer-consumer)problem using inter process communication techniques-Semaphores.
12. Implement the solutions for Readers-Writers problem using inter process communication technique – Semaphore.
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Java Programming Lab

Object Oriented Programming with Java- BCS452
1.Use Java compiler and eclipse platform to write and execute java program.
2.Creating simple java programs using command line arguments.
3.Understand OOP concepts and basics of Java programming.
4.Create Java programs using inheritance and polymorphism.
5. Implement error-handling techniques using exception handling and multithreading.
6. Create java program with the use of java packages.
7. Construct java program using Java I/O package.
8.Create industry oriented application using Spring Framework.
9.Test RESTful web services using Spring Boot.
10.Test Frontend web application with Spring Boot.
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Python Programming Lab

Lab Programs of Python Language Programming (KCS453)
1. To write a python program that takes in command line arguments as input and print the number of arguments.
2. To write a python program to perform Matrix Multiplication.
3. To write a python program to compute the GCD of two numbers.
4. To write a python program to find the most frequent words in a text file.
5. To write a python program find the square root of a number (Newton’s method).
6.To write a python program exponentiation (power of a number).
7.To write a python program find the maximum of a list of numbers.
8.To write a python program linear search.
9.To write a python program Binary search.
10.To write a python program selection sort.
11.To write a python program Insertion sort.
12.To write a python program merge sort.
13.To write a python program first n prime numbers.
14.To write a Python program simulate bouncing ball in Pygame.
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Database Management Lab

Lab Programs of Database Management System(KCS-551)
1. Installing oracle/ MYSQL.
2.Creating Entity-Relationship Diagram using case tools.
3.Writing SQL statements Using ORACLE /MYSQL:
  • i. Writing basic SQL SELECT statements.
  • ii. Restricting and sorting data.
  • iii. Displaying data from multiple tables.
  • iv. Creating and managing tables.
5.Creating cursor.
6.Creating procedure and functions.
7. Creating packages and triggers.
8. Design and implementation of payroll processing system.
9. Design and implementation of Library Information System.
10.Design and implementation of Student Information System.
11.Automatic Backup of Files and Recovery of Files.
  • i. Inventory Control System.
  • ii. Material Requirement Processing
  • iii. Hospital Management System.
  • iv. Railway Reservation System.
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Artificial Intelligence Lab

Lab Programs of Compiler Design Lab (KCS 552)
1. Design and implement a lexical analyzer for given language using C and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces, tabs and new lines.
2. Implementation of Lexical Analyzer using Lex Tool.
3.Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories
  • i. Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression that uses operator +, – , * and /.
  • ii. Program to recognize a valid variable which starts with a letter followed by any number of letters or digits.
  • iii. Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC
  • iv. Convert the BNF rules into YACC form and write code to generate abstract syntax tree.
4. Write program to find ε – closure of all states of any given NFA with ε transition.
5. Write program to convert NFA with ε transition to NFA without ε transition.
6. Write program to convert NFA to DFA.
7. Write program to minimize any given DFA.
8. Develop an operator precedence parser for a given language.
9. Write program to find Simulate First and Follow of any given grammar.
10. Construct a recursive descent parser for an expression.
11. Construct a Shift Reduce Parser for a given language.
12. Write a program to perform loop unrolling.
13. Write a program to perform constant propagation.
14. Implement Intermediate code generation for simple expressions.
15. Implement the back end of the compiler which takes the three address code and produces the 8086 assembly language instructions that can be assembled and run using an 8086 assembler. The target assembly instructions can be simple move, add, sub, jump etc.
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Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab

Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab(KCS 553)
1. Program for Recursive Binary & Linear Search.
2. Program for Heap Sort.
3.Program for Merge Sort.
4. Program for Selection Sort.
5. Program for Insertion Sort.
6. Program for Quick Sort.
7. Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution.
8. Perform Travelling Salesman Problem.
9. Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm.
10. Implement N Queen Problem using Backtracking.
11. Implement, the 0/1 Knapsack problem using
  • (a) Dynamic Programming method
  • (b) Greedy method.
12. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.
13. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given connected undirected graph using Kruskal's algorithm. Use UnionFind algorithms in your program.
14. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.
15. Write programs to
  • i. Implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths problem using Floyd's algorithm.
  • ii. Implement Travelling Sales Person problem using Dynamic programming.
16. Design and implement to find all Hamiltonian Cycles in a connected undirected Graph G of n vertices using backtracking principle.
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Software Engineering Lab

Lab Programs of Software Engineering (KCS651)
1. Prepare a SRS document in line with the IEEE recommended standards.
2. Draw the use case diagram and specify the role of each of the actors. Also state the precondition, post condition and function of each use case.
3.Draw the activity diagram.
4. Identify the classes. Classify them as weak and strong classes and draw the class diagram.
5. Draw the sequence diagram for any two scenarios.
6. Draw the collaboration diagram.
7. Draw the state chart diagram.
8. Draw the component diagram.
9. Perform forward engineering in java. (Model to code conversion)
10. Perform reverse engineering in java. (Code to Model conversion)
11. Draw the deployment diagram.
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Web Technology Lab

Lab Programs of Web Technology (KCS652)
1. Write HTML/Java scripts to display your CV in navigator, your Institute website, Department Website and Tutorial website for specific subject.
2.Write an HTML program to design an entry form of student details and send it to store at database server like SQL, Oracle or MS Access.
3.Write programs using Java script for Web Page to display browsers information.
4. Write a Java applet to display the Application Program screen i.e. calculator and other.
5. Writing program in XML for creation of DTD, which specifies set of rules. Create a style sheet in CSS/ XSL & display the document in internet explorer.
6. Program to illustrate JDBC connectivity. Program for maintaining database by sending queries. Design and implement a simple servlet book query with the help of JDBC & SQL. Create MS Access Database, Create on ODBC link, Compile & execute JAVA JDVC Socket.
7. Install TOMCAT web server and APACHE. Access the above developed static web pages for books web site, using these servers by putting the web pages developed.
8. Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and pwd4 respectively. Write a servlet for doing the following. Create a Cookie and add these four user id’s and passwords to this Cookie. 2. Read the user id and passwords entered in the Login form and authenticate with the values available in the cookies.
9. Install a database (Mysql or Oracle). Create a table which should contain at least the following fields: name, password, email-id, phone number Write a java program/servlet/JSP to connect to that database and extract data from the tables and display them. Insert the details of the users who register with the web site, whenever a new user clicks the submit button in the registration page.
10. Write a JSP which insert the details of the 3 or 4 users who register with the web site by using registration form. Authenticate the user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from the database.
11. Design and implement a simple shopping cart example with session tracking API.
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Computer Network Lab

Lab Programs of Computer Networks (KCS653)
1. Implementation of Stop and Wait Protocol and Sliding Window Protocol.
2.Study of Socket Programming and Client – Server model.
3.Write a code simulating ARP /RARP protocols.
4. Write a code simulating PING and TRACEROUTE commands.
5. Create a socket for HTTP for web page upload and download.
6. Write a program to implement RPC (Remote Procedure Call).
7. Implementation of Subnetting.
8. Applications using TCP Sockets like
  • a. Echo client and echo server
  • b. Chat
  • c. File Transfer.
9. Applications using TCP and UDP Sockets like
  • d. DNS
  • e. SNMP
  • f. File Transfer.
10. Study of Network simulator (NS).and Simulation of Congestion Control Algorithms using NS.
11. Perform a case study about the different routing algorithms to select the network path with its optimum and economical during data transfer. i. Link State routing ii. Flooding iii. Distance vector.
12. To learn handling and configuration of networking hardware like RJ-45 connector, CAT-6 cable, crimping tool, etc.
13. Configuration of router, hub, switch etc. (using real devices or simulators).
14. Running and using services/commands like ping, traceroute, nslookup, arp, telnet, ftp, etc.
15. Network packet analysis using tools like Wireshark, tcpdump, etc.
16. Network simulation using tools like Cisco Packet Tracer, NetSim, OMNeT++, NS2, NS3, etc.
17. Socket programming using UDP and TCP (e.g., simple DNS, data & time client/server, echo client/server, iterative & concurrent servers).
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Cloud Computing Lab

Lab Programs of Cloud Computing (KCS751A)
1. Install Virtual box/VMware Workstation with different flavours of linux or windows OS on top of windows7 or 8.
2.Install a C compiler in the virtual machine created using virtual box and execute Simple Programs.
3.Install Google App Engine. Create hello world append to the simple web applications using python/java.
4. Use GAE launcher to launch the web applications.
5. Simulate a cloud scenario using Cloud Sim and run as cheduling algorithm that is not present in Cloud Sim.
6. Find a procedure to transfer the files from one virtual machine to another virtual machine.
7. Find a procedure to launch virtual machine using try stack(Online Openstack DemoVersion).
8. Install Hadoop single node cluster and run simple applications like word count.
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