Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things)


Internet Of Things Lab

Advance Internet Of Things Lab (KOT 651)

This advanced IoT lab gives practical hands on to the students by implementing two case studies from the IOT Projects List (Individually or in small group). On the completion of this lab students will get exposed on various IOT sensors, actuators, development boards, software for interfacing the development tool and components.

1. Wearable Computer with Temperature Distance Sensors.
2. Weather Imaging CubeSat with Telemetry Transmission.
3. IoT Water Pollution Monitor RC Boat.
4. Mountain Climber Health & GPS Tracker.
5. Contactless IoT Doorbell.
6. IoT Smart Parking Using RFID.
7. IoT Contactless Covid Testing Booth Automation.
8. IoT Social Distancing & Monitoring Robot For Queue.
9. IoT Covid Patient Health Monitor in Quarantine.
10. IoT based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System.
11. IoT based Smart Energy Meter Monitoring with Theft Detection.
12. IoT Weather Station Airship.
13. IoT based Three Phase Power Failure Monitoring with SMS Alerts.
14. IoT based Intelligent Gas Leakage Detector Using Arduino.
15. 360° Aerial Surveillance UAV With IoT Camera.
16. IoT Garbage Segregator & Bin Level Indicator.
17. IoT Temperature & Mask Scan Entry System.
18. IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System Project.
19. IoT Based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System.
20. Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System using IoT Project.
21. IoT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System.
22. IoT Based Heart Monitoring System Using ECG.
23. IoT based Anti-theft Flooring System using Raspberry Pi.
24. Raspberry Pi based Weather Reporting Over IoT.
25. IoT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance.
26. IoT Garbage Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi.
27. IoT Circuit Breaker Project.
28. IoT Mining Tracking & Worker Safety Helmet.
29. IoT Prison Break Monitoring & Alerting System.
30. Raspberry Pi Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System Over IoT.
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Operating System Lab (BCS 451)


The OS lab is a crucial space where computer science students engage with core OS concepts practically, laying the groundwork for understanding modern computing.

Key Components:

Students delve into process management, memory optimization, file systems, and networking, gaining proficiency in resource utilization and data organization through hands-on exercises.

Professional Growth:

Through real-world challenges, students refine problem-solving skills and analytical abilities, preparing them for success in the field of computer science.


The OS lab equips students with the technical expertise and practical experience needed to navigate complex operating systems, fostering their readiness to contribute meaningfully to the evolving realm of computing technology.

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Cyber Security Lab

Cyber Security Workshop (BCS 453 )

The CYBER SECURITY WORKSHOP provides students with practical, hands-on experience by utilizing case studies related to cybercrime and its prevention. By the end of the workshop, students will have gained knowledge on networks, OSI model layers, and software interfacing.

Key Components:-

Hands-on practice using Wire Shark and DVWA.

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Web Technology Lab

Web Technology Lab (KCS 652)

RKGIT Web technology lab offers a wide range of possibilities for hands-on learning and experimentation. In a web technology lab, there are various activities and experiments that you can conduct to learn and explore different aspects of web development. Here are a few examples:

1. HTML and CSS: You can practice creating web pages using HTML and CSS. Start with simple exercises like building a basic webpage layout or styling elements with CSS. Design and implement dynamic websites with good aesthetic sense of designing and latest technical know-how's.
2. JavaScript: Dive into the world of JavaScript by experimenting with interactive features on web pages. You can create dynamic content, handle user interactions, and even build small web applications.
3. Responsive Design: Learn how to make your web pages responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices. Experiment with media queries and responsive frameworks to create mobile-friendly websites.
4. Web APIs: Explore various web APIs like Geolocation, Camera, and Notifications. You can build applications that utilize these APIs to provide location-based services, access device features, and enhance user experience.
5. Web Performance: Optimize your web pages for faster loading and better performance. Experiment with techniques like image optimization, caching, and minification to improve the speed and efficiency of your websites.
6. Web Security: Understand the importance of web security and learn about common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. Experiment with security measures like input validation and secure coding practices.
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Java Lab

OOPS with JAVA Lab (BCS 452)


The OOPS with JAVA lab is a crucial space where computer science students engage with concepts of object oriented programming and java practically, laying the groundwork for understanding modern programming.

Key Components:

Students developed programs for OOP concepts abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism and other java features like Exception Handling, multithreading and JDBC etc.

Professional Growth:

Through real-world challenges, students refine problem-solving skills and analytical abilities, preparing them for success in the field of computer science through programming.


The OOPS with JAVA lab equips students with the technical expertise and practical experience needed to navigate complex application and project, fostering their readiness to contribute meaningfully to the evolving realm of computing technology.

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Computer network lab

Computer network lab (KCS653)


Study of different types of Network cables and practically implement the cross-wired cable and straight-through cable using a clamping tool. Study of basic network commands and Network configuration commands.

Key Components:

The primary components of a computer network include devices, network interface cards (NIC), hubs, switches, routers, servers, modems, bridges and repeaters.

Professional Growth:

Computer network is an interesting and growing career. Organizations across industries require computer networking professionals to develop, troubleshoot and protect their critical computer systems. Plus, computer networking offers a wide range of potential career opportunities for those who enjoy technology.


You can navigate through your professional life, each connection you make can lead to exciting prospects. The benefits of networking are vast – from increased job opportunities to building a strong personal brand.

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