FDP Attended


Session 2023-24

Teaching Staff
S.No Name of the participant Title of the FDP / professional development / administrative training program Dates (from-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1 Ritu Agarwal AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 ( Basic Level),NITTTR Chandigarh 21/8/2023 to 25/8/2023
2 Priya Rana Emerging Technologies in Big Data Analytics using Hadoop anf Python 21/8/2023 to 25/8/2023
3 Gunjan Agarwal AI for Building Speech and Vision Application Using Python 21/8/2023 to 25/8/2023
4 Himanshi AI for Building Speech and Vision Application Using Python 21/8/2023 to 25/8/2023

Session 2022-23

Teaching Staff
S.No Name of the participant Title of the FDP / professional development / administrative training program Dates (from-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1 Ritu Agarwal Blue Ocean Strategy for Entrepreneurship Promotion 13-03-2023 to 17-03-2023
2 Santosh Kumar Python For Data Science 23-01-2023 to 17-02-2023
3 Gunjan Agarwal Blue Ocean Strategy for Entrepreneurship Promotion 13-03-2023 to 17-03-2023
4 Gunjan Agarwal Machine Learning 27-03-2023 to 02-04-2023
5 Tanvi Shree “Research Methodology and Tools” by ABES Ghaziabad 22-08-2022 to 26-08-2022
6 Tanvi Shree Blue Ocean Strategy for Entrepreneurship Promotion 13-03-2023 to 17-03-2023
6 Sandeep Kumar Blue Ocean Strategy for Enterpreneurship Promotion. 13-03-2023 To 17-03-2023
7 Sandeep Kumar planning, Execution and Evaluation of Project Work 20-02-23 to 24-02-23
8 Sandeep Kumar Machine Learning from E& ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur 27-03-23 to 02-04-23
9 Sandeep Kumar Block Chain 20-03-23 to 24-03-2023
10 Dr Amit Kumar Pathak Cryptocurrency ,BlockChain and cyber security 12-09-22 to 16-09-22
11 Dr Amit Kumar Pathak “Amazon Web Services (AWS)” 22-08-22 to 27-08-022
12 Dr Amit Kumar Pathak 5 Days FDP on Innovative Teaching Learning Practices for Preparation of NEP-2020 06-02-23 to 10-02-23
13 Dr Pushpendra Singh One Week IEEE CIS Summer "Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Engineering Challenges" 6th -10th, 2022
15 Dr. Pushpendra Singh Two Week AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Hybrid FDP on "Design Thinking as tool for Innovative Teaching Pedagogy” 20-02-2023 to 03-03-2023
14 Dr Pushpendra Singh One Week FDP on "Blockchain Technology and Its Applications" (BTA’22) 25-07-2022 to 30-07-2022
Non-Teaching Staff
S.No Name of the participant Title of the FDP / professional development / administrative training program Dates (from-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)
1 Sachin kumar Networking and Cloud Computing 5-1-23 to 10-1-23
2 Niraj Kumar Chaturvedi Networking and Cloud Computing 5-1-23 to 10-1-23
3 Deepak Gupta Networking and Cloud Computing 5-1-23 to 10-1-23
4 Dinesh Kumar Chauhan Networking and Cloud Computing 5-1-23 to 10-1-23